Windows Troubleshooting


Executable Name Purpose
mmc.exe Microsoft Management Console Launch 'Device Manager', 'Group Policy Editor', 'Services', 'Task Scheduler'
devmgmt.msc Device Manager View and manage device hardware settings and driver software installed on your computer
gpedit.msc Group Policy Editor Edit the local Group Policy Objects stored on a computer
services.msc Services Start, stop, and configure Windows services
taskschd.exe Task Scheduler Schedule computer tasks to run automatically
lusrmgr.msc Local user manager Manage local users and groups
systempropertiesadvanced System properties advanced Manage hostname, domain, workgroup


Command Purpose
dism /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth Scan the image for component store corruption and perform repair operations automatically
sfc /scannow Scans integrity of all protected system files and repairs files with problems when possible
shutdown -t 0 -r -o Windows Recovery
shutdown -t 0 -r -fw Windows UEFI/BIOS
netsh wlan show profiles name='SSID' key=clear View saved WiFi password
netsh interface ipv4 set address Set adapter IP address
netsh interface ipv4 show interfaces List interface status
oobe\bypassnro Press Shift + F10 within Windows 11 installer to launch terminal and skip Microsoft account requirement with this command


Command Purpose
Get-SmbConnection List SMB network shares more reliably than via net use
  • Eject optical disc tray: powershell (New-Object -com "WMPlayer.OCX.7").cdromcollection.item(0).eject()